Saturday, August 21, 2010

The Nutless Squirrel

Hello people I am Ari’s other half. I wish to discuss a very important issue that needs everyone’s attention. You see, once apon a time, in a far far away galaxy there was a squirrel that could not find his nuts. He was a very sad lonely squirrel. All he wanted was to find his nuts. HE searched the websites and looked everywhere he went but he could not find them. Finally he came to the realization that he needed help. He asked and asked where ever he went but no one answered his question. Exhausted and confused, he finally returned home. As he sat there contemplating, he looked out his window. His next door neighbor was a very adventurous gal. “Hey”, he exclaimed. “Maybe she can help me find my nuts!”  As he made his way out to her house he was very excited, he finally might find his nuts. He knocked her door and waited. A little while later she answered the door, “Hey is there anything I could help with Bill,” she asked. “Why yes, Sally, there is. I was wondering if you could help me find my nuts,” he replied. She stood in the door way eyeing him for a few seconds. Then with bright smile she said, “Sure I can help you find your nuts.” She then invited him in the house. A few hours later he reemerged from Sally’s house. He thanked her for all her help and then started walking back toward his house. After shutting his door, he went back to his computer and pushed the “on” button. “Well the sex was great, but I still don’t know where my nuts are!”

Do you know the moral of the story? Well I do and I would like you tell me what you think it is. I will be awaiting your replies.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Hello all AGAIN!

Well I have finished reading the Maximum Ride books (the ones that are out anyway) and they are AWESOME!!!! I cant believe I waited this  long to read them all!!!! I cried. (HOW COULD I NOT D:) and then laughed a little, because I know how the story will end :D. Max will start kissing Dylan and then sometime happens and she has to choose him over Fang, then more (yes MORE) things happen and some new avian (Possibly with the name Ari XDDD) will come in and be with Fangs group. Him and her get closer and closer making Maxs blood boil, Which will set off some more things (i.e. attacks.)

    Then near the end, after everyone is ok and all that, Ari will meet Dylan for the first time and fall MADLY in love with him ^-^ and he realizes even though he was ‘made’ for Max he can choose his own life to live. And he chooses Ari. Which then just leaves Max and Fang. By this time Angel will have learned how to be a leader and starts leading them in the RIGHT direction. Which means Max and Fang can live happily together, still with the flock but not hurting them anymore.

Now if that will be the last book…I doubt it. I believe the next book will more or less be about Iggy getting his sight back. Of course in that book Ari and Dylan are going to fight, and Fang will take Ari’s side making Max take Dylans side and there will be a HUGE couples fight (not really hurting each other, just yelling and screaming) and by the end things will not be looking good, which is where James Patterson will start on the next book (titled Nudge (or gazzy)) If its Nudge then its how she becomes a famous fashion decorator and starts a new fashion that has somthing to do with feathers. In this book Iggy will meet someone,(if he hadnt in the other book Titled Iggy) and they will br totally in love and run away together and everything. Max and Fang finally get back together and Ari and Dylan do as well.

Ok thats all I am writing…For I am starting to make it sound like a soap-opra XDDD Oh! somtime during all this Total and Akila will have THREE litters of puppies. Some will have wings making the flock start to wonder if their kids will as well….

Now thats out of the way…lets see….whats new with me??? I got a shirt (about two or more weeks ago) it has a Japanese Lucky Cat on front and its green and it says ‘This is my Lucky Shirt” XDDD 

DSCF7204Here is the shirt, with my AWESOME skirt and boots XDD (Yes I am wearing Kitty ears! Arnt they just so KAWAII!!!!) I have a yin/yang bell on a black ribbon.


Oh! I now also have this connected to my Windows Live Writer!!! So I can pust stuff a lot easier now ^-^


Meow- Ari

Saturday, August 14, 2010


My life is starting to fall downhill once more -_-'

1 : No ONE!!! and I do mean NO ONE wants to help me expect my own blood!!! I mean with the fall festival. Well thats partially true. No one wants to help me money wise. I have only four that will help me with the little things!

2 : I am starting to find all those 'friends' of mine are really fake. One exceptionally! She sits there telling everyone I am like her ONLY friend and then when I ask for her opinion on things she tells me I am a wannbe and that I cant dress the style so I shouldnt, or else she barely talks to me and then when I do talk to her she is busy with other people. No I am only her friend when she needs me to be. I am SO CLOSE to just SCREAMING at her to get LOST! I am not someones PLAY THING!!!

3 : I cant get a job. I mean I can but no one needs me, and if they do need someone then its already taken... >(o)< <---Pissed off face XDDD

4 : There is about 5 people waiting for me to fail. To fall on my ass and not get back up.I would expect thats not me! I do not stay down! Nor will I ever.

and those are the things peeing me off today...yes JUST today -_-'

What I can do to stop some of this is really simple DELETE EVERYTHING (and I do mean everything) I HAVE ONLINE AND TELL EVERYONE F YOU! Just stop going online and stop caring what others think/do. I have almost everyones I mean I can still talk to them and everything I just wouldnt have any more drama. If anyone starts to try to start drama I can just walk away...actully I could do that on here as well...I might try that.

So if I ever just log off not telling you why its because you or someone around me is starting drama ^-^


Thursday, August 12, 2010


First I am sorry for not posting sooner....I have been busy with whatnot.

I have decided to re-write the story of Anything Alex...I had wrote more then whats posted up but I didnt like it!
I have also came up with the MOST AWESOME-EVER PLOT for the story!!! I was up thinking and worrying over things, when the plot came to me!

SO far I have yet to find a story of Alice (havent looked in fanfiction I am sure its in there somewhere) where the creatures come to our world. That is all I am telling you guys!!!

AND!!! I have decided to write my own story like Mike and Ashley!!! Where everyone goes to school and they are either a Witch/WIzard/Vampire/Were- things (cats, rodents, wolfs, etc) Shapeshifters, Zombies, Sirens, etc.
The idea came from Mike, who after reading Vampire Knight, wanted to make his own! Ashley I really dont know...I showed Mike Rosaro + Vampire (Manga/Anime) that I have liked since it came out last year. Its basecally what Mike and Ashley are wanting to do. There is also Nightschool that is like it. I really dont know what all gave them the ideas, but they gave me the idea and I am going to be working on that during my FREE time

I am also working crafts (buttons, T-shirts, Bags, drawings, etc) for the Asheboro Fall Festival this year. If things go right then you will see me set up at Animazement 2011 Artist Ally ^-^

ON top of ALL that, I have school work to deal with T^T


(For those that follow me to ALL my sites, yes I did post this on ALL of them lol I just want to make sure I havent left anyone out ^-^)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

being busy!!!

I finished the photos and then got more requests ^-^ I have also been busy making Anime Coloring books. Its a little harder then you think but I can do it just fine.

I have also cleaned my desk off, moved my lamp to where it wont bother Chey and started writing some more on my random story. (I have no idea where it is headed)

Later I am making a video for a friend of mine (on youtube) PurpleGothicFairy (Darkmist is the name she is going by) I am going to try and send it to her by e-mail I dont know if it will work or not, Heres to hopping. If not then I will upload it to mine and she will download it and upload `3it to hers...I know its crazy but w/e.

If you would like me to do a video/photo for you I will. Just ask ^-^


Monday, August 2, 2010


Sorry I havent been on in a while...thats because i didnt have a laptop...BUT NOW I DO!!!! Dad got me a Dell Inspiron pink lol and now I am busey making videos pictures and doing all the awesome stuff I can do ^-^ I am also blogging a lot more lol (If you havent noticed I have made the True Otaku life into another blog ^-^)

Finish the picture of me and Ash
Make one of me and Kay (After finding the right base ^-^')
write more/finish the Anything Alex story
AND come up with more ideas for the Otaku lol

Check out my Youtube and Deviantart i have uploaded a lot more awesome stuff of mine ~♥~
