The other day, me, James and Chey played the old game Monopoly :D Chey quit after about a hour, me and James split the money and put all her property up for sale again.
Me and James continued playing, he was winning and winning. I lost.
BUT! before I went out I played the game, in a weird, cheating, FUN fashion.
If you ever try this way, make sure you are playing with someone who is a good sport, and the fact that they will win either way doesnt hurt lol
I landed on one of the yellow spaces with a hotel on it. I pulled all the 20’s from the bank and paid it off, and then the tens. lol. James was laughing and telling me nooo, but he still took the money lol. I threw half the 500’s in the Free Parking (Which I landed on lol) James made me pay all my money when I had it. After a while, and his money stack having more then the bank XD, I decided to try to win ONE LAST TIME! I convinced him to put all his money into free parking. As I did the same, just with all the money from the bank lol. We rolled and rolled and then somehow we both ended up at the Just Visiting 10 spaces from Free Parking. James said only one dice now. so we rolled, and rolled and ROLLED and I went ONE F-ING SPACE!!!!! then he landed RIGHT ON IT!!!! T^T I last wahhhh! lol Oh well I have other chances lol.
And that was my Monopoly game lol.
I am going to a fair Sunday, if the rain lets up! and the Otaku Club has a meeting Saturday I hope people will show up! We have to get more people in there and a bigger place. Dustin is allowing us to use his place but I am thinking that will only last a little while, before something runes it…oh well.
The rain is putting me to sleep lol
Ari-Kitty =^._.^=