Wednesday, March 10, 2010

First blog - My bright idea

Blog 1...whatever

I really started this yesterday but it all got deleted somehow...

Ok let me see if I can remember what I was going to write...

I was watching Juile & Juila when I decided I wanted to write a blog like she did...Even though I have nothing good to write about...Maybe when I get a job (Please let that be soon) I can blog about making cosplays...Because thats what I really want to do.
Plus I would have somthing to actully write about. But for now you will just read about me living my life from day to day...

Oh! I won't be able to get on and post EVERY day....but I will still write the stuff and post it all at once...

Day : Wed. March 10th
Year : 2010
Time: 11:35 A.M.

I awoke just 30 minutes ago kind of feel like crap...I had a horrable dream last night and its still in my head

My Dream : I was living in a apparement buliding that the rooms were all inside like a hotel, just bigger rooms. There was all kinds of people there. three I knew in life. James, A red head with a nice male body (lol) and my fiance'e. Sara (James sister) also a red head with a great personalty. Liz Sara's twin sister. Red hair and a fiery temper.Ashley, a blonde (well now a black) really skinny and wants to be a Model.

I was possesed by something that made me corner people at night say how bad they are and kill them.

I was scared when I woke up and am still a little shaken now...

12:00 pm

Patsie came here in the room telling me I need to tell y cousin Taila to change, when I cant. Not that I dont want her to but I just cant. She wont listen to I told her that and she acted like I COULD do something when I cant...

7:59 pm
I'm home now...we had to go to Wal-Mart to change Coraline...maybe I can FINALLY finish it lol. Chey (the 13 year old) is watching UFC with my 8 year old cousin Lee and James. Chey and Lee are making fun of the guys, because it seems like they are trying to make love then fight...but then again this is My sister lol (her mind has been warped) and James acts like he doesnt like it that they keep making comments like that. He is actully into the fight,

*sigh* at least my mother hasnt pissed e off yet...yet...

On a better note my sexy lover Kiku is coming home from Florida this week...I hope I get to see her soon.

I dont have anything else to write so I will get off for now...I will add more before the day is over, I'm sure about that!

Bai bai!!!!

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