Saturday, January 1, 2011

New year, new hobbies to try!

Hmm...I really dont know how to start this...sooo yeah. I guess I should first say, this past year has had a lot of downs and very few ups. I got into fights with my friends (the first time) I finally stopped talking to one, but just a month later SHE texted me wanting us to be friends again, NOW she is inoring my friend request, saying she doesnt need anymore drama....whatever, I didnt want to be her friend about two months ago...

getting into better topics, this year I want to make my own cosplays (and help my friends make theirs) I should start in February and have at least one done by May ( I plan on spending my spare time on it should be done sooner!) The first one I am going to attempt is Panty's Angelic form from the Anime Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt!

I will be posting more things on here and my Otaku life:Girl style blog more this year! I have lots planned out and all that <3

Thank you for reading these the past year! and I hope you have a great one this year!

Ari kitty <3